Desktime vs timedoctor
Desktime vs timedoctor

desktime vs timedoctor

It pinpoints all the habits that negatively impact employee performance and development. DeskTime identifies the inefficient activities your employees do on their desktops during working hours.

desktime vs timedoctor

The feature is of great importance in revealing productive and nonproductive employees.īetter still, with its ability to monitor employees’ activities, comes an added advantage: it boosts employee productivity. It reveals the websites and desktop applications frequently visited by the employee during working hours. This feature enables managers to monitor what their employees are doing on their computers. DeskTime can be set to relay vital employee time data to the manager’s or the business owner’s email.īesides, DeskTime features powerful computer use monitoring capability. What is intriguing is that the software works smoothly without having to enter data manually. The solution ensures that employee hours are automatically monitored.

desktime vs timedoctor

In addition, DeskTime is designed to facilitate automatic time tracking.


The software provides native mobile apps for Android and IOS devices which ensures the manager remains on top of things even while they are on the move. In particular, its mobile capability enables managers to monitor employees’ activities even when they are away from their office. One thing you will like about DeskTime is that it is flexible and compatible with all devices including desktops and mobile devices. The main benefits of DeskTime are its automated time tracking, boost productivity and flexibility.

Desktime vs timedoctor